Sparked by informative decision I am proposing a re-design of Cincinnatis public transit system as a whole. This involves three key features described and shown below.
Redirected Trucking
With my proposed transit plan for Cincinnati, trucking would be directed exclusively to the 275 loop. Unless business is required within, all trucks will utilize 275 to go around Cincinnati rather than through the city. We can look to atlanta as example of this. In 1978, legislative declared that all trucks must utilize I-285 to go around the city rather than through, unless they had business of ‘legiment’ need to travel through. This has been working for the city since.
Extended Streetcar
The second aspect of my proposal involves the expansion of the existing streetcar. After discussing intentionally with young adults about thoughts and feelings towards the existing street car, this seems to be a transit that is working well for the city. While many did not like the streetcar when it was first implemented, it continues to see increased numbers of riderhsip with each year it runs according to the City of Cincinnatis website.
Light Rail Implementation
The final part of my proposed public transit system involves the implementation of a light rail in Cincinnati. Cincinnati is surrounded by suburbs on the inside and outside of I-275. This creates a challenge for public transit implementation because things are fairly spread out. To combat this, we must explore large scale. With this in mind, I have deemed a Light Rail the best way to reach all residents in the city encouraging public transit usage.